




曾任全国地理学研究生联合会秘书长、北京博士后联谊会副理事长、RSA中国分会学生代表。是Journal of Cleaner ProductionCitiesApplied GeographyEnergy policy、地理科学等国内外期刊审稿人。曾获“国家住建部华夏建设科学技术奖”、“钱学森城市学金奖提名奖”、“中国地理学大会优秀论文奖”、中科院地理所“所长奖学金”、“优秀学生干部”、“优秀毕业生”等奖励。



[1] Liu Haimeng, Fang Chuanglin*, Zhang Xiaoling, et al. The effect of natural and anthropogenic factors on haze pollution in Chinese cities: A spatial econometrics approach[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 165:323 -333.

[2] Liu Haimeng, Fang Chuanglin*, Fang Kai. The Coupled Human and Natural Cube: A novel framework analyzing the multiple interactions between human and nature[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019.

[3] Liu Haimeng, Fang Chuanglin*, Sun Siao. Digital inequality in provincial China[J]. Environment & Planning A, 2017:0308518X1771194.

[4] Liu Haimeng, Fang Chuanglin*, Miao Yi, et al. Spatio-temporal evolution of population and urbanization in the countries along the Belt and Road 1950-2050[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(7): 919-936.

[5] Fang Chuanglin, Pang Bo, Liu Haimeng*. Global city size hierarchy: Spatial patterns, regional features, and implications for China[J]. Habitat International, 2017, 66:149-162.

[6] Fang Chuanglin, Liu Haimeng*, Li Guangdong. International progress and evaluation on interactive coupling effects between urbanization and the eco-environment[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(8):1081-1116.

[7] Fang Chuanglin, Liu Haimeng*, Li Guangdong, et al. Estimating the Impact of Urbanization on Air Quality in China Using Spatial Regression Models[J]. Sustainability, 2015(7):15570-15592.

[8] 刘海猛,方创琳*. 城镇化与生态环境“耦合魔方”的基本概念及框架[J].地理学报,2019,03.

[9] 刘海猛,方创琳*,黄解军,. 京津冀城市群大气污染的时空特征与影响因素解析[J].地理学报,2018,01: 177-191.

[10] 方创琳,刘海猛,罗奎, 中国人文地理综合区划[J]. 地理学报,2017,02: 179-196.

[11] 刘海猛,方创琳*,毛汉英,. 基于复杂性科学的绿洲城镇化演进理论探讨[J]. 地理研究,2016,02: 242-255.

[12] 刘海猛,胡森林,方创琳*,. “一带一路沿线国家政治-经济-社会风险综合评估及防控[J]. 地理研究,2019.

[13] 刘海猛,石培基*,潘竟虎,. 中国城镇房价收入比时空演变的多尺度分析[J]. 地理科学,2015,10:1280-1287.

[14] 刘海猛,石培基*,杨雪梅,. 人水系统的自组织演化模拟与实证[J]. 自然资源学报,2014,04:709-718.

[15] 刘海猛,石培基*,王录仓,. 低碳目标导向的兰州市土地利用结构优化研究[J].中国土地科学,2012,06:55-61.




liuhm@igsnrr.ac.cn; haimengliu@163.com