






1.       国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,京津冀地区城乡发展转型过程及其资源环境效应互馈机制研究(2017-2019),项目主持

2.       中国博士后科学基金二类资助项目,贫困发生机理与精准脱贫路径研究(2015-2017),项目主持

3.       国家自然科学基金重点项目,中国城乡发展转型的资源环境效应及其优化调控研究:以环渤海地区为例(2014-2016),子课题主持

4.       国家十二五科技支撑计划项目,空心村综合整治的关键技术研究与示范(2014-2016),子课题主持

5.       中国工程院重大咨询项目, 村镇规划建设与管理,(2014-2015),子课题主持

6.       兰考县人民政府委托项目,兰考县脱贫退出第三方评估(2016-2017),项目主持

7.       国务院扶贫办,国家精准扶贫工作成效第三方评估重大任务(2016-2017),核心骨干参与

8.       国家社科基金重大项目,城镇化对我国农业农村发展的影响与对策研究(2016-2017),参与






1.         Yang Zhou, Yuanzhi Guo, Yansui Liu, et al. Targeted poverty alleviation and land policy innovation: Some practice and policy implications from China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74:53-65. (SSCI)

2.         Yang Zhou, Yuanzhi Guo, Yansui Liu. High-level talent flow and its influence on regional unbalanced development in China. Applied Geography, 2018, 91: 89-98. (SSCI)

3.         Yansui Liu, Zhiwen Zhang, Yang Zhou*. Efficiency of construction land allocation in China: An econometric analysis of panel data. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74: 261-272. (SSCI)

4.         Yansui Liu, Yuanzhi Guo, Yang Zhou*. Poverty alleviation in rural China: policy changes, future challenges and policy implications. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2018, 10: 241-259. (SSCI)

5.         Yansui Liu, Jilai Liu, Yang Zhou*. Spatio-temporal patterns of rural poverty in China and targeted poverty alleviation strategies. Journal of Rural Studies, 2017, 52:66-75. (SSCI)

6.         Wenxiang Wu, Junhu Dai, Yang Zhou, Quansheng Ge. Comment on “Outburst flood at 1920 BCE supports historicity of China's Great Flood and the Xia dynasty”. Science, 2017, 355: 1382b. (SCI)

7.         Yang Zhou, Yansui Liu, Wenxiang Wu. Disaster risk: Strengthen China's flood control. Nature, 2016, 536: 396. (SCI)

8.         Yansui Liu, Yang Zhou, Yurui Li. Air corridors: Ventilating Beijing cannot fix pollution. Nature, 2016, 532:441. (SCI)

9.         Yang Zhou, Yansui Liu. Does population have a larger impact on carbon dioxide emissions than income? Evidence from a cross-regional panel analysis in China. Applied Energy, 2016, 180:800-809. (SCI)

10.     Yansui Liu, Bin Yan, Zhou Yang*. Urbanization, economic growth, and carbon dioxide emissions in China: A panel cointegration and causality analysis.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(2):131-152. (SCI)

11.     Yang Zhou, Wenxiang Wu, Ning Li, et al. Differential responses of rice yield to climate change between reclamation and general agricultural areas in the Heilongjiang province of China from 1951 to 2011.Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016, 15(4):945-951. (SCI)

12.     Yang Zhou, Yansui Liu, Wenxiang Wu, et al. Effects of rural-urban development transformation on energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A regional analysis in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 52:863-875. (SCI).

13.     Yansui Liu, Yang Zhou*, Wenxiang Wu. Assessing the impact of population, income and technology on energy consumption and industrial pollutant emissions in China. Applied Energy, 2015, 155:904-917. (SCI)

14.     Yang Zhou, Yansui Liu, Wenxiang Wu, et al. Integrated risk assessment of mutil-hazards in China. Natural Hazards, 2015, 78(1):257-280. (SCI)

15.     Yang Zhou, Ning Li, Wenxiang Wu, et al. Local spatial and temporal factors influencing population and societal vulnerability to natural disasters. Risk Analysis, 2014, 34(4): 614-639. (SCI/SSCI)

16.     Yang Zhou, Ning Li, Wenxiang Wu, et al. Socioeconomic development and the impact of natural disasters: some empirical evidences from China.Natural Hazards, 2014, 74(2):541-554. (SCI)

17.     Yang Zhou, Ning Li, Wenxiang Wu, et al. Assessment of provincial social vulnerability to natural disasters in China. Natural Hazards, 2014, 71(3):2165-2186. (SCI)

18.     Yang Zhou, Ning Li, Wenxiang Wu, et al. Exploring the characteristics of major natural disasters in China and their impacts during the past decades.Natural Hazards, 2013, 69(1):829-843. (SCI)

19.     Yang Zhou, Ning Li, Guanpeng Dong, et al. Impact assessment of recent climate change on rice yields in the Heilongjiang Reclamation Area of north-east China. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2013, 93(11):2698-2706. (SCI)

20.     Yang Zhou, Wenxiang Wu, Guangxu Liu. Assessment of onshore wind energy source and wind-generated electricity potential in Jiangsu, China.Energy Procedia, 2011, 5:418-422.

21.      , 郭远智, 刘彦随. 中国贫困县空间格局及2020年后减贫瞄准研究. 地理学报, 2018 (待刊).

22.     刘彦随,  , 刘继来. 中国农村贫困化地域分异特征及其精准扶贫策略. 中国科学院院刊, 2016, 31(3):269-278.

23.     刘彦随,  . 中国美丽乡村建设的挑战与对策. 农业资源与环境学报, 2015, 32(2):97-105.

24.      ,  , 吴文祥, . 1982-2010年中国县域经济发展时空格局演变. 地理科学进展, 2014, 33(1):102-113.

25.      ,  , 吉中会, . 基于SPI指数的1981-2010年内蒙古地区干旱时空分布特征. 自然资源学报, 2013, 28(10):1694-1706.

26.      , 吴文祥, 胡莹, . 西北地区太阳能资源空间分布特征及资源潜力评估. 自然资源学报, 2010, 25(10):1738-1749.

27.      , 吴文祥, 胡莹. 基于组合模型的能源需求预测. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2010, 20(4):63-68.



联系方式:zhouyang@igsnrr.ac.cn;  +86-10-64889034



通讯地址:北京市朝阳区大屯路甲11 邮编100101 中科院地理资源所1616



  男,1984年生,贵州普安人,博士,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所/中国科学院精准扶贫评估研究中心副研究员,“中国精准扶贫与县域发展研究示范基地(阜平站)”负责人,硕士生导师。2011年毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,2014年毕业于北京师范大学减灾与应急管理研究院/地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室。主要从事贫困地理学、乡村振兴地理学、乡村系统可持续性、城乡转型环境学研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、中国博士后科学基金二类资助项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题以及部委、地方政府委托项目多项。近五年来,以第一或通讯作者在Nature、Land Use Policy、Applied Geography、Journal of Rural Studies、Applied Energy、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、地理学报等国内外刊物发表学术论文40余篇,其中SCI/SSCI收录论文20篇。

